As was discussed at our recent procurement training session, utilizing the website is now available and may make sense for some departments to use it. Typically the use of Amazon will be for smaller dollar purchases. When identifying an item on Amazon for purchase you will still be required to complete a PO. Each Amazon item is identified by an ASIN number which can be found at the bottom of your item page. Please be certain to enter this ASIN number in your item description on the PO. Books are identified by an ISBN number which should be included in your item description as well. Some other questions regarding Amazon purchases are:
Q: Do I need a different workflow when creating my PO?
A: YES… When purchasing an Amazon item you must select your departments Amazon workflow on the drop down menu of the PO header. All Amazon workflows begin with a number in the 800 series (ie:830). If you don’t see a workflow for your department contact Procurement and we’ll get one set up for you.
Q: Who actually places the order with Amazon?
A: Procurement will actually place the order online with Amazon. Any discrepancies with the order such as insufficient available quantities; out of stock; extended delivery dates, etc will be communicated with you before the order is placed
Q: How will I know when my order ships?
A: Procurement will send you an email from Amazon once confirmed that the order has shipped. The email will also have the expected delivery date.
Q: Do I still need to turn in a copy of PO & Invoice to the Business Office?
A: NO. Once you have entered your PO there is nothing more you need to do. Procurement will track your shipment to verify delivery; Procurement will print and sign your invoice once delivery is confirmed. No PO copy is required for Amazon purchases.
Q: What if my shipment has a damaged/missing item or I need to return an item?
A: Contact Procurement to resolve the issue. Procurement will work with Amazon to issue credit or replacement item.
If you have further questions or require one-on-one guidance on placing an Amazon order, please call and I’m happy to stop by your office to walk you through the process. Please remember that at this time you should not be ordering office supplies from Amazon.